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The Vision Newsletter

To learn a little more about us and to view our monthly newsletter, The Vision, please

click below 

for 02/04/25 Issue.

(private prayer requests have been omitted; call the office for electronic list)



Email Address*


Inclement Weather Policy


Our snow contractor is ready! Are you?


In the event of inclement weather, UBC leadership will make decisions about office closure, activities, and Sunday Services (including Sunday School, Worship, and Meetings) by 7 am on the affected morning but probably the night before for extra safety. 


Someone will call our Regular Attenders if there are cancellations. Our Missions Center partners are responsible for their own group activities cancellations. 

Any decisions will also be listed on our Website Home Page, and on
Facebook. Please use common sense precautions for your own well-being and safety. Thank you! 



​​We also invite you to join us this Sunday morning @11:00 am in the Sanctuary for Worship, Hymns, Scripture, Message, & Prayer. A short Hymn Sing (# by request) & Bible Study are at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Masks Optional.


What to expect at The United Baptist Church, Annandale, VA for everyone's safety:

Fairfax County is experiencing an uptick in respiratory & GI viruses, so please wash your hands frequently. We are taking extra cleaning precautions. 

1. Masks are optional & available; utilize based upon your preference and health needs.

2. Please continue to use Hand Sanitizer provided, wash hands for 20 seconds more frequently, keep a safe distance from one another, and cover coughs or sneezes for the health of all.

Our normal Worship time is 11:00 am in the Sanctuary! Doors lock at 11:10, so please be early or on time or come to the Stained Glass Door entrance off Chatelaine Rd. . Bible Study (Sunday School) begins at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall, first floor.

What else should I expect?

* Use discretion when loading the elevator: no more than 4 at a time preferred.

* A friendly group goes to lunch at a local restaurant Dutch treat; join us!

* Disposable Communion cups/wafers are available to pick up upon entry on the

1st Sunday of each month.

* A regular offering tray (on the white column) is inside Sanctuary; please place your envelopes, checks or cash contributions there. A brass Benevolence Tray is on the small entry table to serve others in need.

* Pick up your bulletin as you enter through middle entrance doors.

Sunday Church Services in Annandale, Virginia are held in person each week.

Masks are OPTIONAL. 

Please join us February 9th at 11 am for our next worship service with a greeting from Rev. Sean Roberds, Exec. Coordinator of Mid-Atlantic Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.  

If you have any a cold, been recently exposed to or have a contagious illness, please stay at home for your own and others' protection.

Sermons may be found under "Services"

Thank you!

Our Vision: At our Church in Annandale, Virginia, we seek to develop an intentional relationship with God as in Jesus so that our lives demonstrate the transforming effect and supreme importance of such a relationship for us, our society, and our world.

Our Mission: Our mission is to reflect Christ's attitudes and behaviors by being:

  • Conscious of Christ in every aspect of life;
  • Disciplined to grow in Christ;
  • Accountable ultimately to God as revealed in Christ;
  • Committed to promote Christ in our church, society and world;
  • Inclusive in building relationships the world over; and
  • Intentional about calling others to join us in this mission.
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