The United Baptist Church
The United Baptist Church
7100 Columbia Pike | Annandale, VA 22003
Ph: 703.256.5900
Hours: Drop in, M-Th 9 am - 1 pm; or by Appointment, M-F: 9 am-3 pm
If you'd like to read Rev. Moyer's sermon messages for study or reflection, please click here.
The Vision Newsletter
To learn a little more about us and to view our monthly newsletter, The Vision, please
click below
(private prayer requests have been omitted; call the office for electronic list)
Please join us THIS Sunday morning @11:00 am in the Sanctuary for Worship, Hymns, Scripture, Message, & Prayer. A Hymn Sing (# by request) & Bible Study are at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Masks Optional.
What to expect at The United Baptist Church, Annandale, VA for everyone's safety:
1. Masks are optional & available based upon your preference and health needs.
2. Please continue to use Hand Sanitizer provided, wash hands for 20 seconds more frequently, keep a safe distance from one another, and cover coughs or sneezes for the health of all.
Our normal Worship time is 11:00 am in the Sanctuary! Doors lock at 11:10, so please be early or on time. Bible Study (Sunday School) begins at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall, first floor.
What else should I expect?
* Use discretion when loading the elevator: no more than 3 at a time preferred.
* A friendly group goes to lunch at a local restaurant Dutch treat; join us!
* Disposable Communion cups/wafers are available to pick up upon entry on the
1st Sunday of each month.
* A regular offering tray (on the white column) is inside Sanctuary; please place your envelopes, checks or cash contributions there. A brass Benevolence Tray is on the small entry table to serve others in need.
* Pick up your bulletin as you enter through middle entrance doors.
Sunday Church Services in Annandale, Virginia are held in person each week.
Masks are OPTIONAL.
September 8th at 11:00 am is our next regular Worship Service.
If you have any respiratory symptoms, been recently exposed to or have a contagious illness, please stay at home for your own and others' protection. Sermons may be found under "Services"
Thank you!
Our Vision: At our Church in Annandale, Virginia, we seek to develop an intentional relationship with God as in Jesus so that our lives demonstrate the transforming effect and supreme importance of such a relationship for us, our society, and our world.
Our Mission: Our mission is to reflect Christ's attitudes and behaviors by being:
- Conscious of Christ in every aspect of life;
- Disciplined to grow in Christ;
- Accountable ultimately to God as revealed in Christ;
- Committed to promote Christ in our church, society and world;
- Inclusive in building relationships the world over; and
- Intentional about calling others to join us in this mission.